Thursday, 25 March 2010


Well well well. It looks like the blogs are getting to the SS poor diddums. I feel like being really humourous and sarcastic in my blog today so here goes.

Mr Simon White of suffolk Social services quotes.

White also fears that an online campaign might be contagious. “If it started to become commonplace that whenever we did a pre-birth conference, families would consider leaving the country, it would force a change in practice,” he says. “We’d have to be much less open with families.”

Oh dear me! Poor Mr White he's mistaking our blogs for a touch of the swine flu by saying that the online campaigning could become contagious so does that mean we have to get the little men in white coats and cleaning masks out then?

So what does he propose we do? Sit there like sitting ducks and let these people use the local maternity wards as a "snatch and grabs" so that the SS can meet their adoption targets? I don't think so and as for being "open" with families I have seen more CLOSED doors that are more open that the SS.

So the change of practise that is referred to as above will more than likely mean that the SS will not tell parents what they are going to do and just turn up in the delivery room as mother gives birth. Does Mr White think we are going to take our chances and stay in the country waiting for that to happen. I don't think so. I think parents will be fleeing like wild fire! There will be no one left in Britain if everyone is going to have their families obliterated by government sponsored clones.

Poor old whitey quotes or whines.

Managers are almost powerless to stop what Simon White, director of children’s services in Suffolk, describes as “floods of information about the council that is completely false and misleading”.

How can this information be misleading when there are thousands of parents across the country saying the exact same thing. We even have MP's agreeing such as Tim Yeo and John Hemming. They do not agree with the workings of the UK family court system

There is documented proof that the system is not functioning as it should be and the most saddest form of proof the the system is not working is deceased children. Why aren't these so-called professionals out there saving these children's lives? Simple because they are sat on their backsides trawling the internet looking for our blogs. You lot should be out there saving kids. Emotional abuse huh! so what a kid gets put on the naughty step or told they can't have any sweets for a week at least that child is still alive. The kids who you lot at the SS don't save will never have sweets again.

My conclusion on this lovely sunny day is that the SS are scared. The poor things (NOT) are pwerless to do anything about our blogs as they are America hosted. Maybe they should have a lesson in what it is like to feel powerless, have those feelings of frustration when you can't do a damn thing about what their plans are. The only thing you can do is go through the courts and they are no more courts than I am the queen of Sheba! All they are is a room with a court crest on it that just rubberstamps the SS' whims and fancies.


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