Friday, 12 March 2010

Calderdale - The Truth Exposed part 2.

(Continued from my last post)

The next day there was an ILLEGAL court hearing at Leeds Civil hearing centre to get an ICO on baby Free. That in layman's terms is an Interim Care Order.

I believe that this hearing was illegal as my husband and I wasn't present to defend ourselves. At the time of this "hearing" we were still being held in custody by the police. As you can guess the hearing went belly up and an Interim Care Order was granted.

Before I was due to leave the police station I was examined by a midwife from the local area. I was laid across 3 chairs in a police interview room when they had an alternative room to examine me which was far safer. This room was called the FME room and it was situated behind the custody sergeant's desk. I was interviewed on the friday morning and released on bail Friday lunchtime. Yet again I was in a belly up mess because I had no means of getting home as my husband was in custody in Halifax police station. In the end I contacted an anonymous friend who phoned a few people and eventually another anonymous friend came to pick me up. The friend who looked after me was a very kind person. She took me in for the night and bought me a few things from Asda and helped me get cleaned up. My friend was disgusted by the state I was released in. I was in some old trousers, a nightshirt covered in blood and a coat. She was horrified. As I walked out of the police station I was shaking and feeling ill and worse still I DID NOT KNOW WHERE MY BABY WAS! I was traumatised and frantic as I didn't know if she was back in Calderdale or still in the local hospital in the area where I had fled to. I was very distressed and I wanted my husband with me. I was panicking because nobody from CALDERDALE COUNCIL would tell me where my daughter was. We were frantically ringing the social work duty team all weekend and nobody knew anything. "A baby can't just disappear like that!" I screamed. "Where the bloody hell is my baby!" I went.

Even as I write this blog I am getting upset but I need to. I need to get all of this out of my system.

Nothing is worse than having a baby taken at 2 days old. It was awful. God knows how I coped. It was just so traumatic and I went into a severe depression. I was put on anti depressants when baby Fre was a month old. I was diagnosed with postnatal depression by the GP and also sent for counselling.

In my next post I am going to write about all the contacts we had and the lies that the contact supervisor was making up and how I recorded ALL contacts with my digital Olympus voice recorder.

LOL :-)


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