Tuesday, 16 March 2010


This blog is going to be about some of baby Free's court hearings. The first Court hearing was an application for an ICO (Interim Care Order) when baby Free was 2 days' old. At the time of this hearing my husband and I were in custody in a police cell and unable to attend. As you will know the ICO was granted so the courts are so far up the Social Services' backsides that they can't see daylight!

I have decided to add a picture to my blog which is a true presentation of the UK family Courts. My picture is a group of Kangaroos in a field! Each kangaroo represnts CAFCASS, the SS, The judge, dodgy lawyers and crappy barristers.

The First Interim Care order lasted for 2 weeks and we had to attend Court to get it remewed. We wanted to oppose it so we had a short contested hearing which as usual went the SS' way. At this hearing it was directed that we had a psychiatric assessment. Now this is where the fun really starts! The guardian was put in charge of trying to find us an expert but no expert would touch us because I complained and reported a previous psychiatrist from the case regarding my other kids. At this time my husband was acting as a litigant in person and he got sent some CV's of psychologists and psychiatrists - none of which sounded any use. Eventually it went back to Court and we had to chose 1 so-called expert out of 3. One expert was chosen and a few weeks later we got a letter back from him saying that he doesn't want to take the chance of assessing us in case we report him pmsl :-) We then had to chose another expert but hey! Guess what? He wouldn't assess us either. We had problems as at that time no expert wanted to touch us. Eventually we did find an expert and we were assessed in March 2008. At this hearing I got my contact put up to 3 hours as I was a breastfeeding mum. That was the only thing I felt went right for me in the whole friggin' case!


On the morning of our assessments we travelled up to Hull. We were sat waiting in the university building to be called in by the psychiatrist. My husband went in first. I asked him how it went. He said he thought it went OK but he could never tell as he doesn't trust these so- called professionals. I went in next and was very nervous. she asked me various questions about personal stuff and I answered as best as I could. She talked about my other kids which I found very painful and difficult and I had to keep myself together in the assessment. I got through the assessment and felt positive about it. I felt it went well.

After the assessment I went back to my husband who was waiting in the corridor. We both asked the psychiatrist how our assessments went and she said she was "cautiously optimistic" I thought 'hey we may have some hope here!"

A few weeks later we got our psych reports. Mine was actually quite good but it did say that I still had traits of borderline personality disorder. It said that "I was sympton free but I needed to be sympton free for another 6 months before she could say I was fully recovered". Isn't it funny how the symptons lasted the time of the care case (tut tut). My husband's report was much worse. It painted him as a "litigious control freak with traits of OCD and god knows how many other disorders. It didn't actually say he had a personality disorder just that he had tendancies and traits of different ones. as you can guess it stuffed things up.

a month later on april 15th 2008 things came to a head with the dreadful contact supervisor. My husband and the supervisor had a massive row. My husband let rip at this supervisor for writing lies in the contact reports. It had come out that we had been taping the contacts and that these tapes would be transcribed and used to counteract her reports. At the time of this row we were in that surestart centre that was part of that college. The surestart staff told the SS that no more contacts were to take place there and that caused a belly up mess. Things went from bad to worse with my husband and Ms Dreadful. They had a massive row over an easter bunny that we had bought for baby Free. my husband had put her name in marker pen on the ear of this bunny and the SS did not like it. I said "It is to stop you lot thieveing it!" They give us speil saying that "if baby free was taken out with the bunny it would break confidentiality." I told them bullshit lol :-). The row got very heated and Ms Dreadful ended up phoning the police pmsl. Ms Dreadful took baby free back to the foster carer's and left us to talk to the police. The police were actually very good this time and understood where we were coming from. One officer was a dad who never gets to see his kids as well so he was pissed off with the family court system. One thing he did say was that he was sick of the SS calling them out every time they have a disagreement with parents. They should learn to deal with it as they have more important stuff to do. all we did was drunk coffee in the contact room and started gabbing. We reported the SS for committing perjury but as usual nothing was done there.

We went back and fourth to court to raise various concerns but nobody listened to us. I was getting exhausted and ill. The whole situation was doing my head in. I just couldn't take any more I had, had enough of the whole lot. We kept banging our heads against a brick wall. We were just getting nowhere. The whole thing was ridiculous. Te UK tax payer was forking out thousands of pounds in proceedings for a case where we were told 'There is no immediate risk to your child from yourselves!' If there was no risk thenwhy take her ffs. It is because I am partially sighted. They think I am partially bleedin' stupid when I am not.

In June 2008 we had the final hearing. I was cross examined by all of the barristers. I just basically give them what for. The judge didn't even tell me off lol :-) They were trying to ask me stupid questions and I just answered them with a challenging question so eventually they though what the hell and left me be. I was up there on the stand for ages giving evidence. They asked me stuff about groups like Fassit and I told them stuff all. I said "if you wanna know go trawling on the net and find out. A few more kids will die while you are sat on your backsides doing that!" lol :-) I just didn't care. I knew that baby Free wasn't coming home by this time so I thought "f**k it give 'em hell!" I don't even stand up when the judge walks in the room. I sit there and think 'f**k it! I'm not screwing my knees up for you parasites!'

By this time our contact with baby Free had been reduced. It was back to about an hour and a half and as the weather was improved we took her out. Our contact was now moved to a room in health centre on Mondays, Thursday and Friday and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays it was in a learn direct centre in Todmorden. It was ridiculous.

At least by this time I knew my sister was going through assessments to care for baby Free. We were still waiting on the reports. The judge wanted the reports done for the final hearing but they were late.

At the final hearing a care order was granted in favour of CALDERDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL. They are not a council they are CALDERMUPPETS AND THEY CAN KISS MY A**E!

After the final hearing another hearing was scheduled for september 2008 to discuss baby Free's placement with my sister. I was relieved to know that baby Free was going to my sister. She was still in the family thank god not like my other kids adopted out to strangers. Baby Free went to my sister in Oct 2008 and we had a contact the day before.

In January 2009 a placement order was granted for baby Free to stay at my sister's. Now we are waiting for the conclusion of the adoption proceedings.

Just before Christmas 2009 there was a big row between my husband and the SS. The SS were suggesting that baby Free knows us as her "aunty and uncle!" What is it going to do to her once she grows up and finds that we are her real parents. I think it will have terrible consequences and this is why I wanted to oppose adoption. Yet again the SS get their own way and the judge has gone for adoption. I will hold all of them personally reponsible if she ends up screwed up and needing therapy!

It has taken 2 and a half years to sort this lot out with baby Free and I think it is ridiculous! Baby Free will no longer be baby Free as she is 3 in September. She is getting a big girl now.




  1. What a bag of croc....thank god you won't be able to have any more children to inflict your inadequate parenting upon.

  2. So says Kitty an SS evil witch! > Your upset and feelings expressed are if anything extremely moderated freebird after years of SS illegally harassing your family divisively. We are so saddened by all the hell Yorkshire SS put your family through just for money, pride and tickbox council so called adoption targets freebird.. Kirklees council are equally as corrupt from O'Sullivan to C Shaw and down.. We pray God somehow restores you and Your children together, Blesses, Loves and protects you..SS and all involved in evil Britain's system destroying over 2 children's lives EVERY HOUR in 2012 and countless parents and families will all face Eternal damnation one day soon..
