Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Today I had some unwelcome visitors here - the SS. They were here about storybook work for my daughter and they gave us some photos of her at contact 2 years ago. In my experiece digital photography doesn't take 2 years to print but hey this is Caldermuppets we are dealing with so they will have to switch the computer on in the first place and that alone will take 2 years for them to learn how to do! LOL!

I am really pissed off with them at the moment as they say we are not allowed to see the completed storybook when it is done. I think that they are possibly breaking the law as any information that is written about us we are entitled to see under the data protection act. I am fuming. Surely my husband and I have a right to see what is being written about us in the storybook. All this lot is doing now is getting on my nerves and doing my head in. I know this may sound awful but I am sick of the battle and the stress makes me ill.

What is really annoying me the most is that it has taken 2 and 3/4 years to sort my daughter's case out. They keep banging on about the best interests of the child but how is this delay in anyone best interest?



Thursday, 25 March 2010


Well well well. It looks like the blogs are getting to the SS poor diddums. I feel like being really humourous and sarcastic in my blog today so here goes.

Mr Simon White of suffolk Social services quotes.

White also fears that an online campaign might be contagious. “If it started to become commonplace that whenever we did a pre-birth conference, families would consider leaving the country, it would force a change in practice,” he says. “We’d have to be much less open with families.”

Oh dear me! Poor Mr White he's mistaking our blogs for a touch of the swine flu by saying that the online campaigning could become contagious so does that mean we have to get the little men in white coats and cleaning masks out then?

So what does he propose we do? Sit there like sitting ducks and let these people use the local maternity wards as a "snatch and grabs" so that the SS can meet their adoption targets? I don't think so and as for being "open" with families I have seen more CLOSED doors that are more open that the SS.

So the change of practise that is referred to as above will more than likely mean that the SS will not tell parents what they are going to do and just turn up in the delivery room as mother gives birth. Does Mr White think we are going to take our chances and stay in the country waiting for that to happen. I don't think so. I think parents will be fleeing like wild fire! There will be no one left in Britain if everyone is going to have their families obliterated by government sponsored clones.

Poor old whitey quotes or whines.

Managers are almost powerless to stop what Simon White, director of children’s services in Suffolk, describes as “floods of information about the council that is completely false and misleading”.

How can this information be misleading when there are thousands of parents across the country saying the exact same thing. We even have MP's agreeing such as Tim Yeo and John Hemming. They do not agree with the workings of the UK family court system

There is documented proof that the system is not functioning as it should be and the most saddest form of proof the the system is not working is deceased children. Why aren't these so-called professionals out there saving these children's lives? Simple because they are sat on their backsides trawling the internet looking for our blogs. You lot should be out there saving kids. Emotional abuse huh! so what a kid gets put on the naughty step or told they can't have any sweets for a week at least that child is still alive. The kids who you lot at the SS don't save will never have sweets again.

My conclusion on this lovely sunny day is that the SS are scared. The poor things (NOT) are pwerless to do anything about our blogs as they are America hosted. Maybe they should have a lesson in what it is like to feel powerless, have those feelings of frustration when you can't do a damn thing about what their plans are. The only thing you can do is go through the courts and they are no more courts than I am the queen of Sheba! All they are is a room with a court crest on it that just rubberstamps the SS' whims and fancies.


Saturday, 20 March 2010

My Thoughts and What Lead to Me Being sterilised.

As I log on to Facebook and open my page yet again I see more horror stories. Horror stories about the social services taking more children away for the flimsiest of reasons. The latest horror story I saw was about a Midlands couple who had to flee the UK to prevent their 2 youngsters from going into care. "Fleeing the UK" you may think but this is becoming more of a frequent occurance as time goes on. People are not fleeing the UK because they are fed up with the rain, fed up with the economy or fed up of lack of jobs they are fleeing because they may be pregnant and have been told that their child will be removed from them straight after birth. Many people who live in other countries do not believe that we have such a draconion system but sadly we do. The children that are removed as newborns are then put up for forced adoption. The definition of a forced adoption is when the courts dispense with the parents' consent through means of a placement order. Before a placement order is sought there has to be care proceedings which is usually a 9 month to a years' process. During these "proceedings" assessments are done to see if the parent is suitable to care for the child. many parents are deemed unsuitable. Most children are not removed for physical abuse or sexual abuse but purely for possible emotional abuse and this has to stop for once and for all. Children are dying because the UK social services are removing healthy children from loving families on vague and unproven notions. How can anyone defend themselves in court against "possible emotional abuse!" I see this day in day out on my Facebook page and to be quite frank it is starting to get on my nerves. The questions that are going through my mind are " what is being done to stop this?" Why hasn't anybody in government got the balls to stand up and say "hey! This is all wrong?" The answers is because of paper and metal commonly known to us as money. It sickens me to the stomach to think that we live in a country where money comes before the needs of children and families. Many families do not need children removing and can just be put on a Family in Need plan. To balance this there are children who need removing but the children who actually do need removing end up dead so it is too late! - after all dead babies are no use to adopters are they!

I've often had thoughts about these adopters and wondered why there are so many of these "infertile" couples. I've even questioned in some cases whether or not it is their own fault. They may have gone to university when they were younger, went out living the students lfe, caught an STI such as Chlamydia and now they can't have kids because their tubes are blocked. Others may have passed the chance by to have children while they were young and now expect us women who have got kids to clean up their regretful mess i.e. Adoption. However there are people who have genuine reasons why they can't have kids and it is those who I feel sorry for. The thing is I don't want them having mine or anyone elses through forced adoption. Adoption is one of those things that does have it's place however it should be done through choice and not forced on someone.

While I was on Facebook the other day I read something ese that worried me a great deal. That is that the government are dropping court application fees for the SS to initiate care proceedings. This means that the SS can take us to court for free. This to me is dreadful. I predict that by the year 2020 every pregnant woman in the UK will have to have a prebirth assessment to see if she is deemed suitable by the state to raise her child. Most undoubtly will not be. They will just be use as "breeders" for the social services.

Much to my relief I will never have a baby again especially after what happened with my daughter and her eyes. On 23rd Febraury this year i was sterilised. I didn't even worry about the usual stuff that you worry about when going into hospital like catching MRSA :-) or not waking up after the anaesthetic I was as relaxed as anything. On the day of my sterilisation I just had this sense of relief if that makes any sense. I went into hospital at 11am, sat around reading magazines but I was starving hungry as I hadn't been allowed to have anything to eat then at 2PM they took me down to theatre. I was put to sleep and really chilled out for a change.

The next thing I remember was waking up in the recovery room I was very confusedand doped up. I remember I kept saying "no more social workers now. "No more social workers now" and I remember a man standing next to me. He asked me if I had, had any trouble with social workers and I said in a comfused and doped up state "I wanna bleedin' kill 'em for what they have done to my family!" the man said "oh dear". The next minute I heard a nurse' voice and I told her that I felt very sore and they gave me a small dose of morphine.
I asked for a drink and all they give me was 2 cotton wool things to stick in my mouth until I got back to the ward. Soon after that she took me back to the ward.

Back on the ward I was put into bed and I just slept for ages. I was relaxed from the morphine and my husband was there as well. Someone from theatre came round and I asked if I had been steriliwed righ lol. It emerged that I had to have something else done as well but i won't post that on here. As the evening progressed I started to feel sick and want something to eat. I tried to eat some toast but it was awful. My mouth was all dry and I had a job to swallow. I wanted to drink more than eat. a few hours later I was still feeling sick but I just wanted to get out of the place. I was sent to a bed on the gynae ward and I slep there for an hour and then went home. I couldn't sleep because the lights on the ward were hurting my eye as they were too bright, they couldn't turn them off as they had other patients to tend to. My husband went down to the shop and bought me back a sald roll and a bag of mini cheddars (yeah you guessed it the last thing I wanted was something dry and saulty!) He got earache for getting me them lol :-) so I didn't eat them. About 8.30 at night I was relased to go home as I hadn't been sick.

Back home I felt ill and was as sick as a dog lol. :-) after that everything was all right.

What is it coming to when you are living in what is supposed to be a free country when the choice is to be sterilised to prevent the SS turning up again. There was more to my reasons for being sterilised than the SS like the kids having bad eyes but a sighted person who had nothing wrong with them could be faced with that choice.

I wanted to flee when I found out I was pregnant with baby Free but how would I have lived abroad. I don't think they have disability benefits over there as far as I know. How would I have coped even? How does anybody cope when they have to leave all they know - their family, friends, home and pets? Some people are still faced with this dreadful dilemma but luckily for me it is all over with never again.


Tuesday, 16 March 2010


This blog is going to be about some of baby Free's court hearings. The first Court hearing was an application for an ICO (Interim Care Order) when baby Free was 2 days' old. At the time of this hearing my husband and I were in custody in a police cell and unable to attend. As you will know the ICO was granted so the courts are so far up the Social Services' backsides that they can't see daylight!

I have decided to add a picture to my blog which is a true presentation of the UK family Courts. My picture is a group of Kangaroos in a field! Each kangaroo represnts CAFCASS, the SS, The judge, dodgy lawyers and crappy barristers.

The First Interim Care order lasted for 2 weeks and we had to attend Court to get it remewed. We wanted to oppose it so we had a short contested hearing which as usual went the SS' way. At this hearing it was directed that we had a psychiatric assessment. Now this is where the fun really starts! The guardian was put in charge of trying to find us an expert but no expert would touch us because I complained and reported a previous psychiatrist from the case regarding my other kids. At this time my husband was acting as a litigant in person and he got sent some CV's of psychologists and psychiatrists - none of which sounded any use. Eventually it went back to Court and we had to chose 1 so-called expert out of 3. One expert was chosen and a few weeks later we got a letter back from him saying that he doesn't want to take the chance of assessing us in case we report him pmsl :-) We then had to chose another expert but hey! Guess what? He wouldn't assess us either. We had problems as at that time no expert wanted to touch us. Eventually we did find an expert and we were assessed in March 2008. At this hearing I got my contact put up to 3 hours as I was a breastfeeding mum. That was the only thing I felt went right for me in the whole friggin' case!


On the morning of our assessments we travelled up to Hull. We were sat waiting in the university building to be called in by the psychiatrist. My husband went in first. I asked him how it went. He said he thought it went OK but he could never tell as he doesn't trust these so- called professionals. I went in next and was very nervous. she asked me various questions about personal stuff and I answered as best as I could. She talked about my other kids which I found very painful and difficult and I had to keep myself together in the assessment. I got through the assessment and felt positive about it. I felt it went well.

After the assessment I went back to my husband who was waiting in the corridor. We both asked the psychiatrist how our assessments went and she said she was "cautiously optimistic" I thought 'hey we may have some hope here!"

A few weeks later we got our psych reports. Mine was actually quite good but it did say that I still had traits of borderline personality disorder. It said that "I was sympton free but I needed to be sympton free for another 6 months before she could say I was fully recovered". Isn't it funny how the symptons lasted the time of the care case (tut tut). My husband's report was much worse. It painted him as a "litigious control freak with traits of OCD and god knows how many other disorders. It didn't actually say he had a personality disorder just that he had tendancies and traits of different ones. as you can guess it stuffed things up.

a month later on april 15th 2008 things came to a head with the dreadful contact supervisor. My husband and the supervisor had a massive row. My husband let rip at this supervisor for writing lies in the contact reports. It had come out that we had been taping the contacts and that these tapes would be transcribed and used to counteract her reports. At the time of this row we were in that surestart centre that was part of that college. The surestart staff told the SS that no more contacts were to take place there and that caused a belly up mess. Things went from bad to worse with my husband and Ms Dreadful. They had a massive row over an easter bunny that we had bought for baby Free. my husband had put her name in marker pen on the ear of this bunny and the SS did not like it. I said "It is to stop you lot thieveing it!" They give us speil saying that "if baby free was taken out with the bunny it would break confidentiality." I told them bullshit lol :-). The row got very heated and Ms Dreadful ended up phoning the police pmsl. Ms Dreadful took baby free back to the foster carer's and left us to talk to the police. The police were actually very good this time and understood where we were coming from. One officer was a dad who never gets to see his kids as well so he was pissed off with the family court system. One thing he did say was that he was sick of the SS calling them out every time they have a disagreement with parents. They should learn to deal with it as they have more important stuff to do. all we did was drunk coffee in the contact room and started gabbing. We reported the SS for committing perjury but as usual nothing was done there.

We went back and fourth to court to raise various concerns but nobody listened to us. I was getting exhausted and ill. The whole situation was doing my head in. I just couldn't take any more I had, had enough of the whole lot. We kept banging our heads against a brick wall. We were just getting nowhere. The whole thing was ridiculous. Te UK tax payer was forking out thousands of pounds in proceedings for a case where we were told 'There is no immediate risk to your child from yourselves!' If there was no risk thenwhy take her ffs. It is because I am partially sighted. They think I am partially bleedin' stupid when I am not.

In June 2008 we had the final hearing. I was cross examined by all of the barristers. I just basically give them what for. The judge didn't even tell me off lol :-) They were trying to ask me stupid questions and I just answered them with a challenging question so eventually they though what the hell and left me be. I was up there on the stand for ages giving evidence. They asked me stuff about groups like Fassit and I told them stuff all. I said "if you wanna know go trawling on the net and find out. A few more kids will die while you are sat on your backsides doing that!" lol :-) I just didn't care. I knew that baby Free wasn't coming home by this time so I thought "f**k it give 'em hell!" I don't even stand up when the judge walks in the room. I sit there and think 'f**k it! I'm not screwing my knees up for you parasites!'

By this time our contact with baby Free had been reduced. It was back to about an hour and a half and as the weather was improved we took her out. Our contact was now moved to a room in health centre on Mondays, Thursday and Friday and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays it was in a learn direct centre in Todmorden. It was ridiculous.

At least by this time I knew my sister was going through assessments to care for baby Free. We were still waiting on the reports. The judge wanted the reports done for the final hearing but they were late.

At the final hearing a care order was granted in favour of CALDERDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL. They are not a council they are CALDERMUPPETS AND THEY CAN KISS MY A**E!

After the final hearing another hearing was scheduled for september 2008 to discuss baby Free's placement with my sister. I was relieved to know that baby Free was going to my sister. She was still in the family thank god not like my other kids adopted out to strangers. Baby Free went to my sister in Oct 2008 and we had a contact the day before.

In January 2009 a placement order was granted for baby Free to stay at my sister's. Now we are waiting for the conclusion of the adoption proceedings.

Just before Christmas 2009 there was a big row between my husband and the SS. The SS were suggesting that baby Free knows us as her "aunty and uncle!" What is it going to do to her once she grows up and finds that we are her real parents. I think it will have terrible consequences and this is why I wanted to oppose adoption. Yet again the SS get their own way and the judge has gone for adoption. I will hold all of them personally reponsible if she ends up screwed up and needing therapy!

It has taken 2 and a half years to sort this lot out with baby Free and I think it is ridiculous! Baby Free will no longer be baby Free as she is 3 in September. She is getting a big girl now.



Calderdale - The Truth Exposed part 4

(continued from Part 3)

It is new year and we had our first contact of the year with baby Free. Everything was OK at contact but there was one thing the SS were whingeing about and that was the amount of frozen breastmilk I had taken to contact. There as a cool bag full of approximately 20 to 30 o those Avent cups full of milk. The SS were seething. I had comments such as "I thought you would have dried up by now." I was fuming I had a right go at that contact worker for making such comments. I said "I will dry up when I am good and bleedin' ready to dry up and that is that!" she then accused me of being aggressive. "don't be aggressive Freebird" she went. "You haven't seen aggressive yet lady and you won't intimmidate me with fancy words!" I had a right old go at the old cow. Contact was still tense while we had this dreadful worker and we were still taping them pmsl :-)

a few weeks later the guardian came to contact and everything was going well. Baby Free wasn't crying and as she was now about 4 months old she was playing happily on the floor with some toys that we had bought her from the market. The guardian wrote a report on contact and yu've guessed it, it was the same arse licking garbage that CAFCRAP usually come up with. Calling themselves "independent" is a joke, they are as independent as my back foot!

Contact was plodding along and we were going and one day in February 2008 I was expressing some milk for baby Free. All of s sudden to my horror the milk went from white to pinky coloured to a complete cup of blood. I had to go to the A and E department as this was a Saturday. The A and E said that the pump I was using to express the milk was too aggressive and they gave me anti biotics as well to clear up any infection. I was in a very distressed state as i thought i couldn't express any more milk for her so I was thinking that yet again the Ss were winning. I was getting sick of it and was really depressed about the whole thing.

Eventually the bleeding stoped and everything returned to normal but not for long. I was again expressing some milk and blood appeared in the milk again. This time I became very very ill and I couldn't attend contact for about 3 days. My husband had to go on his own. I was at home in bed feeling very depressed and useless along with a temperature and headache to boot. My husband took me back to the GP and I was given more antibiotics and told it would clear up again. I just wanted to last until baby Free was 6 months old.

In March 2008 baby Free was given her first solid food at contact. It was Cow & Gate porridge made with breastmilk This was one of the days when the infection had cleared up but it wasn't long until I was ill again. This time I had mastitis and an abscess. I went back to the GP's again and he was saying that it may have been the abscess that caused the bleeding in the first place! Horror filled me when I was sent to hospital for a mamogram I was thinking that I hoped I didn't have breast cancer or something awful.

On the day of the mamogram I had to miss afternoon contact but my husband went instead. Wait for this. The SS accused my husband of putting CONTACT before supporting me at the hospital. The dreadful contact worker had said that my husband should have been with me at the hospital instead of going to contact. If my husband had of gone with me to the hospital he would have been accused of "not being committed to contact!" FFS you can never win with these people. I really am at the end of my teather with it all. It is always a 'lose lose' situation. I old my husband to go to contact and see baby Free because at least she was seeing one of us. The whole thing is just a belly up mess.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Calderdale - The Truth Exposed Part 3 My Contact

(continued from Part 2)

On the Sunday night after nearly having a whole weekend of not knowing where my baby was I got a call from a social worker from the emergency duty team. According to them they had been too-ing and frowing trying to find out what was happening. All I got told was that my daugter was in fostercare and that someone would contact me in the morning.

The next morning I had a phone call from baby Free's social worker who I will refer to as "cyberman" because he always sounds so robotic. He told us that baby Free was fostered by old age pensioners in a town 14 miles away. I was thinking "WTF" and was mad that I had to do all that travelling when I had just had a baby. A mother's body is supposed to be rested for 10 days after giving birth (well thats how it used to be in the olden days anyway) but still women are women and wombs are wombs so it should still be the same today. all weekend I was in a right belly up mess. A midwife came with an electric breast pump so that I could express milk for baby Free. I didn't want to express milk like I was a cow I wanted to feed her naturally and have that close bond that all the other mums have with their babies. I just wanted to be normal. I actually felt insulted by it.

On Monday 24th September we had our first contact with baby Free. We were stuck in a small room in a surestart centre which was part of a college. Things were a belly up mess because she had been given teats all weekend so I had a job getting her to feed. The SS were absolutely determined to hamper me from breastfeeding in any which way they could possible. My husband and I bought some teats for baby Free that were lets say close to nature but the foster carer's didn't let her use them. Baby Free would have had to use the teat as if she was being fed naturally. I had a massive row with the contact supervisor over this and kept quoting Munby :-) Contact was originally for an hour and a half a day but the judge ordered it to be made into 3 hours as I was a breastfeeding mum.

One day I was at contact and I had turned up ill. I had a temperature it was about October 2007. I felt rotten and had to go and see the doctor. The contact worker told me off for arriving ill but I had managed to get an appointment with the GP after contact.

Once I got to the GP's they examined me and found that I had a condition called mastitis. This is an infection of the breasts which can be caused by not being allowed to feed properly. The GP was saying that I have to feed wherever possible to help get relieved of it and express when necessary. I had to travel 14 miles a day 5 days a week to contact and on top of that express milk for baby Free. I even had to express at contact and it got written in contact reports that I was "expressing milk and not playing with baby!" I had mastitis ffs it took me all my time to get to frigging contact when I was so ill let alone have some tart in nail varnish and lipstick whingeing at me. An official complaint was made to this contact supervisor's manager but as per usual nothing was done and that wound me up further. I had nothing but problems with this woman and while she was at contacts the contacts were uncomfortable for months. Lucky for me I took my voice recorder to contact and recorded them all. In the end they found out and I got a bollocking but as you know lol I gave as good as I got. They got told that "I'm using it like it or lump it. If you didn't bloody lie and write crap I wouldn't have to use it would I". I thought "f**k 'em!"

In November 2007 when baby Free was about 6 weeks old things were really in a belly up mess. She had to have her first operation on her eyes to remove the cataracts that she had been born with. This op was on her right eye. We were told that the op was successful and that everything was all right. They had put a contact lens in baby Free's eye while she was asleep as well. Baby Free had to stay in hospital all night and nobody would let me stay with her. It was awful and embarrassing because the whole time I was at hospital for er operations I was being supervised by the SS nazis. The bitch contact worker was there in the morning and then Cyberman came in the afternoon. I am just glad we were in a side room because goodness knows what other parents would have thought if we hadn't been!

The week after baby Free had her first eye operation she was yet again in a belly up mess. We had taken her to the health centre during contact and she had her first jabs. Things didn't go too well because A: her eye was sore and very red and B: she reacted badly to the jabs. The SS bought baby Free to contact the next day screaming and it got to the stage where we had to tell the contact worker to take her home and get her to the doctors. We phoned up asking after her at about 4 O'Clock. I phoned up and asked the SS if baby Free had been taken to a doctor and to my horror she hadn't! I went absolutely mental! She was very distressed and she was screaming her head off and nobody had taken her to the doctor's instead they just phoned a health visitor and according to this health visitor she was all right. The health visitor was NOT qualified in ophthalmics so she didn't have a clue about baby Free's eyes.

Eventually after a bit of pushing they got her to a doctor the next day and baby Free had go an infection in her right eye.

In December 2007 Baby Free had to have her left eye operated on. Again we were supervised by the SS but luckily baby Free was released the same day. The foster care's had to put no end of drops in her eyes and change contact lenses after she had her operation it was awful.

I saw baby Free as often as possible throug contact and she was always grizzly poor little love. as usual the SS said we made her grizzly but yet again she had, had an operation and her second lot of jabs so that put her in a belly up mess.

This was going to be baby Free's first christmas as well. I saw her on christmas eve in a GP's surgery because everywhere else was shut. That contact was very emotional as we had bought baby Free loads of presents and spoild her rotten! After that we didn't see her until new year and I left that contact very upset and in a belly up mess. I was still expressing milk for her and sent her absolutely loads of the stuff. The foster carer's freezer was overrun with it lol she kept moaning. The milk had to be frozen over the xmas holidays and the SS had to collect it to take it to baby Free pmsl!!!!!

I am going to write more in my next posting as more stuff goes belly up later on and I end up in hospital for the afternoon!


Friday, 12 March 2010

Calderdale - The Truth Exposed part 2.

(Continued from my last post)

The next day there was an ILLEGAL court hearing at Leeds Civil hearing centre to get an ICO on baby Free. That in layman's terms is an Interim Care Order.

I believe that this hearing was illegal as my husband and I wasn't present to defend ourselves. At the time of this "hearing" we were still being held in custody by the police. As you can guess the hearing went belly up and an Interim Care Order was granted.

Before I was due to leave the police station I was examined by a midwife from the local area. I was laid across 3 chairs in a police interview room when they had an alternative room to examine me which was far safer. This room was called the FME room and it was situated behind the custody sergeant's desk. I was interviewed on the friday morning and released on bail Friday lunchtime. Yet again I was in a belly up mess because I had no means of getting home as my husband was in custody in Halifax police station. In the end I contacted an anonymous friend who phoned a few people and eventually another anonymous friend came to pick me up. The friend who looked after me was a very kind person. She took me in for the night and bought me a few things from Asda and helped me get cleaned up. My friend was disgusted by the state I was released in. I was in some old trousers, a nightshirt covered in blood and a coat. She was horrified. As I walked out of the police station I was shaking and feeling ill and worse still I DID NOT KNOW WHERE MY BABY WAS! I was traumatised and frantic as I didn't know if she was back in Calderdale or still in the local hospital in the area where I had fled to. I was very distressed and I wanted my husband with me. I was panicking because nobody from CALDERDALE COUNCIL would tell me where my daughter was. We were frantically ringing the social work duty team all weekend and nobody knew anything. "A baby can't just disappear like that!" I screamed. "Where the bloody hell is my baby!" I went.

Even as I write this blog I am getting upset but I need to. I need to get all of this out of my system.

Nothing is worse than having a baby taken at 2 days old. It was awful. God knows how I coped. It was just so traumatic and I went into a severe depression. I was put on anti depressants when baby Fre was a month old. I was diagnosed with postnatal depression by the GP and also sent for counselling.

In my next post I am going to write about all the contacts we had and the lies that the contact supervisor was making up and how I recorded ALL contacts with my digital Olympus voice recorder.

LOL :-)


CALDERDALE - The Truth Exposed!

Hello and welcome to my blog.

This blog is about the adoption of my daughter known to all of us as "baby Free". Baby Free was removed from me at 2 days' old in September 2007. I was that distraught at the thought of her removal that I done a runner from CALDERDALE ROYAL HOSPITAL the day after she was born. At the time of me fleeing the hospital there was NO ORDER WHATSOEVER on baby Free.

The following morning after baby Free was born a paediatrician came to look at her. Sadly baby Free's eyes had cataracts on her eyes which meant she was born visually impaired. I was very upset. The paediatrician also said that baby Free had what sounded like a slight heart murmour but she also thought that baby Frees heartbeat was something to do with her birth that it was some sort of irregular rhythm that babies can have when they make the transfer from womb to world. The paediatrician wanted another paediatrician to check baby Free in the afternoon.

Three hours later the second paediatrician came to check on baby Free he said her heart was fine but her eyes weren't and that she would have to be operated on at approximately 6 weeks' old. I knew what was going to happen. The operation was going to make her eyes more belly up than what they were as i had experienced this with my son.

Approximately 2 hours after the paediatrician had gone an anonymous person telephoned my husband to say that a SOCIAL WORKER would be stationed OUTSIDE my room door on the Friday morning while everyone was in court. I panicked and freaked out. After some too-ing and frowing between anonymous people it was arranged for me to flee the hospital. At roughly 4pm my husband and I took baby Free and went to an anonymous address.

Things went from bad to seriously belly up as a national manhunt was launched to look for us CALDERDALE COUNCIL had arranged for an IBIS code to be used by the hospital to call the police with. This is where the midwife calls the police and gives them a certain code for the case to be declared a national emergency basically. It was ridiculous.

To make matters worse the police were told by CALDERDALE ROYAL HOSPITAL that baby Free would be dead within 4 hours if she was not returned. This was LIE. Baby Free's heart was perfectly healthy as it had been checked by the paediatrician before we left and if baby Free was dying then WHY WASN'T SHE ON A HEART MONITOR? The SS really do think we are stupid don't they.

I went from the hospital to an anonymous address to meet up with another anonymous person who took me right away from Yorkshire. I was arrested and 6am and taken to a hospital with baby free t be examined. After I had been examined baby Free was kidnapped and i was carted off to the police station to await interview.

I was in the police station bleeding heavily with breast milk leaking down my clothes. I know this is very graphic but I want the truth to come out about how the UK social services and the police treat mothers. It upsets me more because at a core meeting prior to baby Free's birth (which was recorded and taken to the press) I was told i was NO IMMEDIATE RISK to my daughter. The whole situation was dreadful.