Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Today I had some unwelcome visitors here - the SS. They were here about storybook work for my daughter and they gave us some photos of her at contact 2 years ago. In my experiece digital photography doesn't take 2 years to print but hey this is Caldermuppets we are dealing with so they will have to switch the computer on in the first place and that alone will take 2 years for them to learn how to do! LOL!

I am really pissed off with them at the moment as they say we are not allowed to see the completed storybook when it is done. I think that they are possibly breaking the law as any information that is written about us we are entitled to see under the data protection act. I am fuming. Surely my husband and I have a right to see what is being written about us in the storybook. All this lot is doing now is getting on my nerves and doing my head in. I know this may sound awful but I am sick of the battle and the stress makes me ill.

What is really annoying me the most is that it has taken 2 and 3/4 years to sort my daughter's case out. They keep banging on about the best interests of the child but how is this delay in anyone best interest?

